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مشاركات موصى بها

Blessing book: image.png.4a31f5356ed02ff2ed17312b23911932.png
You can obtain this book from the Astral World's questline, and it is one of the most important items that will accompany you throughout your whole journey on the server.
You can upgrade this book to lv20 using the feathers, and to +10 using the books of buffs.

Buff Enhancer Feather: image.png.09e0396c302c2f819bf7f53e42caead2.png
There is 5 different levels of these feathers;
Buff Enhancer Feather (Lv 1-5): These feathers drop from side and main bosses of the Relics of Arid Moonlight dungeon.
Buff Enhancer Feather (Lv 5-8): These feathers drop from side and main bosses of the Lost Mines dungeon, and the side bosses of the first part of the Crystal Valley dungeon.
Buff Enhancer Feather (Lv 8-10): These feathers drop from side and main bosses of the second part of the Crystal Valley dungeon, and the side and main bosses of the Palmir Plateau dungeon.
Buff Enhancer Feather (Lv 10-15): These feathers drop from the main boss of The Sanctuary dungeon.
Buff Enhancer Feather (Lv 15-20): These feathers drop from the main bosses of Temple of the Ancients, of Lost Souls, of the Exile dungeons.

Book of Buffs: image.png.eb078428db54a69d52a49c4797762d85.png
You can obtain these books by exchanging Boss Killer Coins (image.png.1f96e8f711fba7a64e407c09a53c6267.png), which drop from all field and dungeons' main bosses.
You can exchange those coins from the Coin Trader - Nemesis NPC found in all towns.

To upgrade the Blessing Book you must go to the Buffer Makowiec NPC, which offers to Increase the Level, the Enchantment level and upgrade the book of buffs.
The success rate of increasing the level of the Blessing Book using the Buff Enhancer Feathers is not 100%, the rates are noted on the feathers.
Upgrading the Book of Buffs is similar to the skillcards, which means you need x2 +1 Books of Buffs to obtain a +2 Book of Buffs.. etc (you can upgrade the books at the Buffer Makowiec NPC)
Respawn time of all side bosses is 10 minutes
Respawn time of the bosses of Relics of Arid Moonlight, Lost Mines, Crystal Valley, Palmir Plateau and The Sanctuary dungeons is 20 minutes

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